this is one medal no country wants to win
Almost everyone agrees that China is hosting an amazing Olympic tournament. The opening ceremony was breath taking and the quality of the sport has fully lived up to the Olympian tradition. But the Games have also highlighted the affect that rapid economic development has on the environment and in particular the quality of air. So we thought it was worth finding out which city deserves the Gold Medal for pollution even if this is one medal no country wants to win. Is it Beijing?
Well no. The winner (or more like the loser) for being the most polluted city is Cairo!
Silver prize goes to Delhi
Bronze to Kolkata (also in India)
Important to note however that this is based on World Bank 2004 estimates, and Beijing, which was ranked 13th most polluted city is probably higher up the league in 2008. The City’s pollution has been greatly exacerbated by the large amount of building work in the city, much of it generated by the games themselves.
It is not the first time concern has been raised about pollution levels at different Olympic venues in the past. In Seoul, South Korea, host of the Games in 1988, traffic was banned because of fears about air pollution but the predicted problems did not materialise. Similar fears were raised about the games in Athens in 2004, and Los Angeles in 1984. And London, which hosts the next Olympic games in 2012, already achieves daily PM10 levels below the WHO target.
By the way…aren’t the Olympic Games magic? We’re totally engrossed in it and GB is doing amazingly well. One can’t recall a time when we were ahead of Germany and Australia and right up there with the USA, if you took out Phelps gold medals of course. China is now the world power in sport, that is clear. Amazing! Jamaica and Trinidad also have incredible sprinters, and Bolt is one cool dude.