Indonesian Social Enterprise Study Tour a Success!

May 13, 2013

Indonesian Social Enterprise Study Tour a Success!

Indonesian Social Enterprise Study Tour a Success!

social enterprise study tour learning journey

Last week i-genius hosted a group of social entrepreneurs from Indonesia as they embarked on a social enterprise Study Tour learning journey in partnership with the British Council, Indonesia, which involved i-genius Cafe London and a lovely closing dinner. The group explored the UK scene with a focus on environmental businesses, growing, urban markets and empowerment of women.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following organisations involved:

The Hub Islington – Pitch & Pizza, The Guardian, Student Funder, Clear Village, Spitalfields City Farm, Bike Works, WSP, Ogilvy PR, Guniess Global PR Agency, Uptown Oil, and the British Council.

And a special thank you to our guests from Indonesia:

Mrs. Noor Suryanti, Pelangi Nusantara
Mr. Sanwindratmo, Koperasi Hutan Lestari Menoreh
Mr. M. Bijaksana Junerosano (Sano), Greeneration Indonesia
Mr. Martinus, CV Roas
Ms. Dewi Meisari, Economy Faculty, University of Indonesia
Ms. Maria Hartaningsih M., Senior Journalist, Kompas
Ms. Ari Sutanti, British Council
Ms. Dhika Sadjad, British Council

For photos our the Study Tour, click here!


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