Southern Salam visit London

October 25, 2010

Southern Salam visit London

Southern Salam visit London

a social innovation thai study tour with i-genius

Last week i-genius welcomed Southern Salam to London from Bangkok for a socially innovative study tour. Southern Salam are a newly founded social business, which aims to alleviate the many problems Muslim women face in Southern Thailand through the designing and creation of stylishly cool hijabs. The hijabs are also made using unique nano technology ensuring odour and irritation free facial clothing. Extremely useful during the hot and humid summer periods!

Salam, meaning ‘peace’ in Islam is exactly what they hope to bring to southern Thailand. By giving Muslim women extra jobs, the group hopes the ripple effects will more than double income, but mostly importantly prevent drug trafficking, terrorism, and many other anti-social poverty related activities. This is a grass-roots social business working directly with the Muslim women in villages across southern Thailand.

Southern Salam who won the British Council Business Plan Competition was funded a trip to London as their prize. The week was organised by i-genius in order for Southern Salam to learn the various facets of business; growing a community, working in the community, raising finance, social media, and communication and marketing. Throughout the week they received valuable advice and support from a wide range of successful professionals, as well as visiting the CASS Business School, Channel 4, Brand Fuel, and Lilian Baylis Old School Site (Community Hub), participating in the UK-China i-genius/British Council teleconference at CISCO, and many other informative seminars. Of course, there was time for sightseeing and relaxation, including an intimate social entrepreneur dinner. ‘It was a very beneficial and inspiring week for us. We never felt homesick. We are so grateful to everyone,’ said Southern Salam.

Click here to view photos of the week.

Note: i-genius is currently in the post-production stage of producing two short films in relation to the Thai Study Tour. We will keep you posted!


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