a special inauguration in world history
Dear Mr President
Your speech was truly inspiring. Few times in history has a US president inherited such a mess, yet few have got such a groundswell of goodwill from around the world hoping for you to succeed. But as you face the problems in your first full day we want you to know – you are not alone. The world is full of talented people who can help you make it a better place.
Take the economy for instance. There are social entrepreneurs around the world who are creating businesses that are helping to solve environmental and social problems in their communities. Never have they been more needed. We suggest you start by having a look at Shaherose Charania’s Women 2.0 network of entrepreneurs in California or further afield, try Pooja Warier’s UnLtd network in India, or Khushbu Agrawal’s, Centre for Research Excellency in Nepal or read Thailand’s Dev Appanah’s great book on social entrepreneurship.
If getting finance to flow is your problem (which it is) then once you have dealt with Wall Street, have a look at Sheetal Mehta, Shivra microfinance initiative in NW India or Lily Lapenna’ MyBnk for teenagers in the UK.
Next in your in tray is the Middle East. But there is hope here too. Palestinian Philip Duoud is developing great projects with the University of Bethlehem whilst Yuval Kaplan has created DonateMate in Israel. People like them are the future in that troubled region. Africa is another part of the world which has many problems but the people who are really turning it around are not aging rock stars but African’s themselves like Kenya’s Peter Ongera and Mbaski Martin Obono in Nigeria. This is why i-genius has paired up with Lesley Williams and Femi Longe at Africa++ to host a social innovation tour – Africa CREATE in South Africa, 19-24th May.
Like you, we believe in justice which is why i-genius was proud to support the JusticeMakers competition by Swiss based International Bridges to Justice and Gael Garcia Bernal’s new film currently being produced called Resist, by UK director, Marc Silver.
For a better world, you will need good designers and there is few better than architect Paul West, UK who is designing ‘Ourhouse.’ We also suggest you also have a look at Nikos Georgiadis from Greece on his work designing new eco buildings.
Health is next and a new generation of socially driven doctors like Sweden’s Johan Ljungberg are being trained every day. But we need to do simple things like eat better, so see Britain’s Kate Daniels rare breeds and definitely give up smoking as Hawaiian Tyson Susuki and Dr Sami Elyas Alawed Mohammed in the Sudan are campaigning for. Or get fitter and help the environment at the same time. American, Christa Clarke-Jones, is right, “bikes are best!”
But what about the kids? Hernane Prates is connecting street kids in Brazil to the power of music whilst Peter Okori is creating a new children’s charity in Uganda.
Helping people lead independent lives is so important which is why Sarah Jayne Edwards work with sex workers in Thailand ‘Clever Knickers’ is so amazing as is Sev Necati on women’s safety in the UK.
The world is a beautiful place and perhaps its greatest beauty lies in appreciating our cultural differences. We definitely suggest you connect with Finland’s Mohamed El –Fatatry, founder of Muxlim, the world’s largest online Muslim community. If you have a passion for preserving cultural heritage we suggest you look at what Jorge Gustavo Caicedo in Mexico, Diego Garcia-Reyes, Colombia, Christian Debono, Malta and Ane Veriane, Indonesia, are doing. Nukman Aljani is working in promoting peace through better cultural understanding in the Philippines.
The desire to capture the beauty in the world is why i-genius attracts so many film makers and photographers. People like Camilla French in China or Lithuanian photographer Tomas Grizas, whilst Sara Haq’s stunning photos of her ‘slow journey’ from London to the i-genius world summit in Phuket are now showing at the prestigious Alexia Goethe Gallery in London. As president you will be doing a lot of travelling so before you step on Air force One, we suggest you have a look at Britain’s Stephen Chapman’s Make Travel Fair. But if you want to connect with some great talent that is more familiar with you, have a look at America’s Tegy Thomas’ profile and you will see you have met him before.
i-genius world community has members in over 90 countries. It is made up of people who are working to make the world a better place. Mr President, you are not alone.
To check out these and other i-genius members, just put their name in the search engine, press enter and start connecting. Simple!
Have a nice day!
Until next time…
The i-genius team – London/Tokyo
several years later…some water under the bridge.