i-genius: What makes Ogunte unique?
Servane: The blend of women in our network and the social impact they are creating in the world. The power of quality connections associated with bold spirits, stretching challenges, and strong peer support.
i-genius: Describe Ogunte in one word.
Servane: Waves
i-genius: What motivates you?
Servane: The change women trigger in our communities, the energy and determination we all show, the results we achieve, the legacy we can leave.
i-genius: What is the future of Ogunte?
Servane: We are developing a platform for business women and social entrepreneurs to become activist angels themselves, to help balance the impact investment industry.
And our latest collaborative “baby” is an advisory group called the Estuarians, made of high impact women social and environmental leaders producing relevant, actionable business intelligence for corporates, sme’s, ngo’s and public sector bodies. Members provide speaking engagements, brainstorming, coaching and facilitation to accelerate sustainable development through a gender lens.
i-genius: What is your favourite pass-time?
Servane: Capoeira, a 500 year old Brazilian martial-arts. It helps me fall, stand up again, adapt, be conscious of the world around me. I learn to win over myself rather than tilting at windmills.