Opportunity Pakistan – Commission, Conference, Report & Policy Paper

In September 2013, fifteen people (Commissioners) from Australia, Italy, Pakistan and the United Kingdom, embarked on a journey to a country which for many was an entirely new experience to take part in the i-genius Commission on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The aim was to discover the true story of a country which much has been written about but few, outsiders at least, have understood. The prism of this journey was social entrepreneurship – a form of business whereby the initiators explicitly seek to develop businesses to achieve a social or environmental benefit.
In 2014, i-­genius in partnership with the Loop Global Management organised a conference at the University of Lahore, 6-­7 November 2014, to explore how social entrepreneurs and innovators can transform Pakistan’s prospects with a focus on improving social business education, new markets development and impact investment. The conference was a follow-up to the 2013 commission.

Report, Review, Policy Paper

Opportunity Pakistan – 2014 Lahore Conference Review
UK/Pakistan, November 2014
Download: Review

Opportunity Pakistan – A Policy Paper: Exploring Untapped Potential
UK/Pakistan, November 2014
Download: Policy Paper

Opportunity Pakistan Report – Commission on Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, September 2013
Download: Full Text Report | Slide Presentation Report

Islamabad Statement & Roadshow Briefings

Islamabad Statement
Learn more: Click here!

Roadshow Briefings
Learn more: Click here!

2014 Opportunity Pakistan Conference

Social Business Education, New Markets Development & Impact Investment
for social Entrepreneurs & Innovators
University of Lahore, Lahore, 6-7 November 2014

The conference was a follow up to the i-genius Commission on social entrepreneurship & innovation, September 2013.

Specifically, the 2014 Opportunity Pakistan Conference sought to:

1. Provide follow-up to the 2013 Commission focusing on the development of social business education, market development and impact investment

2. Create an international gathering to showcase Pakistan’s potential as a regional hub for social entrepreneurship and innovation

3. Identify and promote talented social entrepreneurs in Pakistan

4. Help build a consensus on areas of future development

Audience: A rich mix of entrepreneurs, academics, philanthropists, media and students.

world’s largest international community of social entrepreneurs