i-genius met with FoodieTalk co-founders Lilly and Fern to find out more about their new app, which allows you to discover people through your love of food. FoodieTalk is a location-based social dining network platform that brings people together at restaurants. The app facilitates the process of expanding social circles while having an unforgettable dining experience. FoodieTalk introduces a simplistic approach in combining the need to dine somewhere with the want to socialise. With FoodieTalk, eating out will become more fun and less work.

i-genius: Where did the idea come from?
Ravisara (Lilly) Limlahapun and Natcha (Fern) Phataraprasit: The idea started when Lilly moved to London and started traveling solo in 2014. She met people in restaurants and realized that there’s a need to be fulfilled. Eating alone was getting boring. There are other individuals like ourselves that loves food and trying different restaurants, but rather than dining alone – it would be great to socialize at the same time.
i-genius: Where did the idea come from?
Ravisara (Lilly) Limlahapun and Natcha (Fern) Phataraprasit: The idea started when Lilly moved to London and started traveling solo in 2014. She met people in restaurants and realized that there’s a need to be fulfilled. Eating alone was getting boring. There are other individuals like ourselves that loves food and trying different restaurants, but rather than dining alone – it would be great to socialize at the same time.
i-genius: What is an average working day like for you?
Lilly and Fern: Right now it is split between university and startup work. So half a day on each and the rest we spend at the gym and eating out.
Lilly and Fern: Right now it is split between university and startup work. So half a day on each and the rest we spend at the gym and eating out.
i-genius: What difficulties have you experienced setting up FoodieTalk?
Lilly and Fern: Our main difficulties are finding investments and an app developer.
Lilly and Fern: Our main difficulties are finding investments and an app developer.
i-genius: What make FoodieTalk unique from other apps out there?
Lilly and Fern: FoodieTalk encourages people to discover each other through their love of food. We are restaurant-based and users get to eat where they want/when they want.
Lilly and Fern: FoodieTalk encourages people to discover each other through their love of food. We are restaurant-based and users get to eat where they want/when they want.
i-genius: What are the most crucial things you have done to develop FoodieTalk?
Lilly and Fern: In June 2016, FoodieTalk got accepted into an accelerator program.
i-genius: How will/is FoodieTalk become a sustainable business?
Lilly and Fern: We plan to expand to as many cities as we can around the globe. We’ll go where the cultural behavior is susceptible to our business.
i-genius: How do you best relax and detox from work?
Lilly and Fern: We’re both foodies and globetrotters. When we have time, we usually spend it traveling, finding inspiration and gaining new experiences.
i-genius: Do you have any exciting projects you want to share?
Lilly and Fern: Yes, of course! You can check our travel blog on Facebook at TravelDouble page. We’re also on instagram @traveldouble. We love to share our traveling experiences with everyone.
i-genius: Where would you like FoodieTalk to be in 5 years time?
Lilly and Fern: FoodieTalk will be a globally known brand and have earnings in the millions.
i-genius: What advice would you give to those starting up a social business/project?
Lilly and Fern: Be happy with what you do and remember to make the business fun! Give back to society when you can.
i-genius: In one word, characterise your life as an entrepreneur.
Lilly and Fern: Fern said freedom. Lilly said perseverance.
Lilly and Fern: Fern said freedom. Lilly said perseverance.
Website: www.foodietalk.co
Facebook: www.facebook.com/foodietalkapp
Twitter: @foodietalkapp
Instagram: @foodietalk
This interview was conducted as part of the i-genius ‘Innovation, Business Start-Up and Wellbeing’ interview series. If you would like to develop a particular aspect of your business or address something you are struggling with, then why not take our ‘Social Entrepreneur and Business mentoring’ sessions with i-genius Academy. To find out more, click here!