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i-genius interviews Sten Saar


i-genius asked top young Estonian entrepreneur Sten Saar about his amazing books for kids and his future plans.

i-genius: what are the notebooks about?

Sten: Formula Notebooks are notebooks with formulas inside the covers and on the additional pages. They also include bookmarker, games, useful information etc.

i-genius: what is unique about them?

Sten: Of course the formulas and amazing cover designs. They are made by youngsters for youngsters.

i-genius: have they been successful?

Sten: Yes. Every other pupil in Estonia has at least one of our products. We are developing our company to Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.

i-genius: what are your future plans?

Sten: To sell the products in the UK market and develop new products. Our goal is to be everywhere in Europe by 2015.

i-genius: what attracted you to being a social entrepreneur?

Sten: As Branson said: “Success will never come, if money is the only aim. “ You gotta do things you like and what you enjoy doing. The purpose is to make life better for everyone.

i-genius: Thank you!


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