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i-genius talks to our newest partner in Social Innovation, Tom Dee

i-genius:What is the Pineapple Parlour?

We’re a new Marketing & Events agency based in central London. We launched in late 2009.

i-genius: Does Pineapple Parlour work with Charities and social businesses?
Yes! We have a big soft spot for charities, social enterprises and other such causes. We work with several social communities such as the Hub network and now
i-genius. We’ve also given pro-bono time to help community events and we’re hoping to really increase that in future. 

i-genius: What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Evangelising for Experiential marketing. I think there’s still a big job to do in convincing people of the merit of experiential marketing and taking things back to basics. Far too many companies are still jumping straight on the Google bandwagon and whilst we think internet, radio, TV and paper marketing are great, we can’t stress enough how important live events are in today’s saturated market.  We’re all about keeping it real… 

i-genius: What is the future of Pineapple Parlour?

We’re looking for a soft but steady growth over the next few years and we’d like to significantly expand our work with the third sector as well as the commercial world. We’re also looking into sustainable event management pretty seriously and how we can work with clients in producing environmentally and socially responsible events.

i-genius: What book are you reading now?
If only I had time to read at the moment. The last book was Drood by Dan Simmons. It was very long.

i-genius: If you could paint the world in three colours, what would they be and why?

Purple – have always liked it. Green –  Its fresh and vibrant and has a lot of symbolism tied in with earth, peace, food, spring etc.  More Purple –  I really do like it.


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