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Network2012 Supporting Social Enterprise


Editor: When did you first hear about i-genius? And why did you join the community?

Martin: I think it was last year some time I can’t remember the exact dates. A woman I met on facebook suggested the website to me and I joined for a few reasons. To develop my network internationally, because it is simple to navigate and use and because I strongly believe that diversity brings innovation. I want to hear what people are doing all over the world!

Editor: How long have you been working with Network2012? And what does Network2012 do?

Martin: I founded Network 2012 along with my business partner Tom Howat in January 2007. We had been discussing it for some months previously and it was born out of an idea of Toms’. Throughout his work in the homelessness sector Tom had always wanted to provide bursaries for the people experiencing homelessness he had worked with to start their own businesses. As he was keen on Networking he put the idea to me of combining the two strands of his thinking. So we discussed at some length before refining some of our thoughts and Network 2012 was born out of those discussions.

What we do is provide an online networking platform for business with a strong focus on Social Enterprise, some support through the identification and sharing of resources and we are currently developing a series of unique networking events entitled Conversations That Matter to bring individuals, businesses, charities, other stakeholders and social enterprises together to discuss social enterprise and all of the issues involved.

Editor: What current projects are you involved with?

Martin: I’m involved with developing Network 2012 and Conversations That Matter and as we are not earning an income from it as yet I work with a homelessness charity in Soho, London called The House of St. Barnabas to assist them in converting a grade 1 listed building with a 160 year history of helping homeless people in Central London from a residential hostel for women into a state of the art life skills centre. I’m currently developing a personal development programme for the charity.

Editor: What book are you reading now?

Martin: I’m not but I soon will be! Just today I was very kindly sent a copy of a book called “ I know Someone Like That” by one of Network 2012’s members a social enterprise activist as I would describe him called Robert Ashton. It has a forward by Stephen Fry and is on a subject close to my heart Mental Health. Robert is a great guy who has been a great support to what we are trying to achieve.

Editor: What are your future plans?

Martin: To develop Network 2012 to a position where it can start encouraging those people in our society who are or feel socially or financially excluded to believe that they too can be business owners. That they too have a valuable contribution to make and can change the world they live in for the better. To take that message out to people and help provide the resources, finance and information that will enable them to contribute to the development of their own communities.

Editor: If you could paint the world in three colours, what would they be and why?

Martin: The world is already painted in all the colours it needs so I’d never restrict the beauty and diversity that’s already out there!

Editor: Thank you Martin!


world’s largest international community of social entrepreneurs