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Patricia talks to i-genius about the Employment Promotion Centre (EPC)


i-genius: Tell us about your business?
My organisation is called Employment Promotion Centre (EPC) and it is based in The Republic Democratic of Congo (DRC). The organisation has two different objectives which are: First, to raise the intellectual capability of the local population, so that they can have the essential skills to compete in the labour market and second, to create and provide jobs for the local community since 80% of them are unemployed. The target market to help create jobs in the DRC is the Congolese Diaspora who want to invest in the country. I have understood that most of them do not invest not because of the conflict in the country and even less because of the lack of will; but, simply because they do not know what to do, with whom to deal and how to do it. So EPC has exactly been set up to feel this gap.

i-genius: What events in your life have inspired you to want to make a difference in the world?
The lasting conflict in the DRC has been one of the main drivers and pushed me to say we need to change things. After writing my dissertation for my degree on the conflict in DRC and the UN involvement, I have came across so much different information that made me think, the world is so unjust and if the international community cannot help you why not help yourself? I then thought that the best way will be by educating people more and by getting the Congolese people to invest in their own country. My life in the UK also made me evaluate things and say if it can be done here, it can also be done there – it is just a matter of making it happen.

i-genius: How would you like to see The Democratic of Congo in the next ten Years?
I would love to see a country free of conflict. I would like to see this land of opportunity and rich minerals become really an opportunity for the Congolese people, not a source of curse. I would love to see young people being educated and able to get jobs. I would love to see less international Non Governmental Organisations in the country but more local NGOs and social entrepreneurs. Finally, I would like to see a prosperous DRC in the heart of Africa and the World.

i-genius: How did you come across i-genius?
I came across I-genius through the conference that I attended in which they were sponsors called the School for change makers.

i-genius: If you could receive one gift in the whole world, what would it be and why?
I would love to receive a magic stick so that I can turn things around. I will make the developed world population walk in the shoes of the third world population. This will help them understand more about the injustice in the world and make them revolt against their head of state and even better make them appreciate what they have without wanting more at the cost of the developing world population’s life.

i-genius: Thank you Patricia!
Patricia: Pleasure.


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