With preparations fully underway for KaosPilots school’s three month outposting in Israel Palestine, i-genius caught up with one of the participants.
Editor – what is the idea behind the outpost?
In our first and second semester, we learned about tools and project design. The third semester was about process design. Of course all based on the idea of learning by doing. In this fourth semester we combine and implement our learning’s in a dynamic team project; organizing an international home base for 3-4 month is a challenge named Outpost.
The Outpost is the opportunity for a cultural experience, developing a new network on the spot and generating synergies. It is also simply a great way to do more and learn.
Editor – why did you decide to go to Israel Palestine?
That destination got the full agreement from the team, although there were many other options with pro’s and con’s.
We decided for Israel/Palestine cause it is a conflict area, multi-cultural, but still with a high rate of English speakers. We have a good network there. It is accessible by land and in the centre of media attention. And at the end of the day you can not be everywhere… So we felt that it was interesting and challenging.
Editor – What do you hope to achieve? How will you know if it is a success?
It is first of all a learning journey. If it is a great experience for us, it’ll already be a great success. That could not be without some local achievements. The main partner is Windows for Peace. We want to successfully launch an empowerment workshop for women and children. It will be through storytelling under the old village’s tree in small communities. The respond of the locals will be our success criteria factor.
Editor – do you have any fears about the trip?
I personally struggle with the conflict. Which side should I support? What is it to be neutral? How can I refrain from getting too involved and how can I take the “right” action? Besides that risk-taking is one of the value of KaosPilots… There indeed many risks in this whole project/trip but that spices life.
Editor – you have been a KaosPilot student for almost two years. What is so great about the school and what do you not like about it?
It is a fantastic platform, you can make out of it more or less whatever you want. That also means that YOU have to make it yourself. There is no hand to show you the way. So passion is important -the wish to move on.
Editor – what will Olivier be doing in three years time?
Olivier will still be on his learning journey. but I hope he’ll have found a main lead. And I believe he will be fully involved in it! That will probably be around connecting and sharing knowledge and solutions. He will still travel the world and develop his friend’s community.
Editor – Thank you