Global chronic disease on the brink of an epidemic
What do diabetes, chronic heart disease, CVD, chronic respiratory disease and cancer all have in common?
No it’s not a trick question, the opening of a very bad joke or the £1 million question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Such global chronic diseases are seriously on the march and threaten to completely overwhelm national health agencies and whole economies in just a few years.
Don’t believe the hype?
Don’t believe us? Just more media scaremongering, right? Check out a few facts:
• 15 years ago 56% of deaths globally are attributed to chronic disease and 15 years from now that will be 73%.
• 388 million people will die from chronic disease over the next 10 years – that’s more than the entire population of North America.
• By the year 2020 50% of the world’s deaths will be caused by chronic disease.
Couch potatoes listen up
Back to our original question…
The answer is surprisingly simple. All these chronic diseases can be prevented on a mass scale by everyone – and particularly the young – making changes around your diet, exercise and tobacco use.
There’s no magic bullet, ultra high-tech gadget or mega-billion dollar sacrifice required. Nope, all we have to do is persuade people around the world to cut the calories, up the exercise and ditch the baccy habit.
OK, you’re convinced but what can you do?
Of course, you can change you and your family and friend’s lifestyles right here, right now.
But you and your organisation can also sign up to the Oxford Health Alliance’s Youth Network. Here young people from all across the globe are joining together, passionate about promoting good lifestyle habits.
Supersized is as much a lifestyle choice as a lunch menu, but for more and more people around the world it’s also a death sentence.
So join the Global Youth Network right here, right now and help us put a little more LIFE into the world’s lifestyle…
For more details or to join this network contact: Michelle, OxHa Youth Coordinator