2nd Global Healthy Workplace Awards
The second round of the Global Healthy Workplace Awards got off to great enthusiasm with a high powered webinar on Friday 21st November. Presenters, Jon Comola, Wolf Kirsten, and Tommy Hutchinson, representing the host organisations GKEN, Wolf Kirsten International Health Consulting, and i-genius, presented the webinar programme. Entry for the awards is currently opened to three categories – SME (up to 500 employees), Large Organisations, and Multi-National who have a dedicated healthy workplace programme. Award entries will close on 24th January 2014.
The briefing talked participants through the background to the awards programme which commenced in London, April 2013, and what the esteemed panel of judges will be looking for from the second round of entries. The Awards are closely aligned to the World Health Organisation Framework for Action. SME entries will be expected to excel in at least one of the four criteria but Wolf Kirsten pointed out that it is often easier for small employers to in act effective programmes.
Each section of the application programme is limited to 500 words and it was pointed out that some previous entries were excluded for over-doing on the quantity of information they submitted.
Six finalists, two from each category, will be invited to present at the 2nd Summit held in Shanghai, 9th to 10th April. For full details and how to apply, please refer to: http://www.globalhealthyworkplace.com