Is your media ethically produced?

February 11, 2008

Is your media ethically produced?

Is your media ethically produced?

Kicking off the ‘Thailand Questions’

We all know that the ever increasing fragmentation of media presents wonderful new opportunities for people who are passionate about social and environmental change to create content and publicise campaigns. The possession of a mere phone and an internet link to youtube is usually enough to post up an inspiring film about the environment or some community project. Same can be done with photos on sites like flickr. Most good websites campaigning for great causes carry news and stories about how to make the world a better place. i-genius news is a fine example of just such a great site. [Note: editor insisted on adding this line].

But are we taking into account our responsibilities in producing and distributing media to the highest ethical standards?

That is the question that will be posed at the i-genius World Summit in Thailand. With heavy weights like former CNN international president Chris Cramer and Dave McQueen from Channel 4 around, expect a few fireworks!

To join the team that will draft “THE THAILAND QUESTIONS on ethically creating campaign media”, please email  


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