fight for their human and labour rights
London’s first ever Sex Worker Film Festival will take place Sunday 12 June 2011 at the Rio Cinema from 1:15-5:30pm in East London, featuring short films and documentaries by and about sex workers and their fight for their human and labour rights. Organised by the Sex Worker Open University – a collective of sex workers and allies – the first ever Sex Worker Film Festival to be held in London, brings together ethically produced, original and provocative documentaries and films from the UK and beyond, exploring the diversity and contradictions of the sex industry. There will also be a panel discussion with some of the filmmakers and an after party.
Luca Darkholme, current finalist for Pioneer of the Year at the Erotic Awards 2011 for co-founding of the Sex Worker Open University project, comments: “Through presenting London’s first ever Sex Worker Film Festival, our collective wants to show living, fighting, whole sex workers; representations that abandon flat, one dimensional characters and stereotypes. The choice of films focus on the diverse realities of sex workers – often very different from the classic “victim” image. Themes include self determination, migration, identity, intimacy and the international struggle for sex workers’ rights.”
All funds raised from the film festival will go towards creating the next edition of the Sex Worker Open University 12-16 October 2011 in London, which is currently inviting submissions. Building on the first Open University project in April 2009 which brought together more than 200 sex workers, sex workers’ rights activists, allies and visitors from the UK and abroad for workshops, discussions, actions and art exhibits over five days, the collective will once again create a space for debate, workshops, films, to socialise, learn new skills and empower themselves whilst exploring the richness, diversity and contradictions of the sex industry.
Click here for programme details
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