Using technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.
Practical Action’s strength is its approach: they find out what people are doing and help them to do it better.
Through technology they enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions – transforming their lives forever and protecting the world around them.
By doing this each year Practical Action help over a million people break out of the cycle of poverty … for good.
Transforming lives
Through projects on the ground, Practical Action improve the lives of over a million people every year.
Its programmes give poor people access to modern energy, and help them to grow the food they need sustainably.
They help people in urban areas get the clean water and sanitation they need, and reduce the risk of disasters for the most vulnerable.
Sharing knowledge
Practical Action want to change as many lives as possible, by sharing its knowledge and experience.
Its Consulting and Publishing services reach development professionals around the world, and its technical information service Practical Answers offers free resources directly to those who need it most.
Influencing others
Practical Action have big ideas that can change lives – but its own projects can only reach the people they work with directly.
By sharing its ideas with local and national governments, international agencies and other development organisations, Practical Action can make a bigger impact on a global scale – and work towards technology justice for all.
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Note. Image copyrighted to Practical Action
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