World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September 2010

September 6, 2010

World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September 2010

World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September 2010

almost 3000 people commit suicide daily

World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September promotes worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. On average, almost 3000 people commit suicide daily. For every person who completes a suicide, 20 or more may attempt to end their lives.

The purpose of the day, sponsored by International Association for Suicide Prevention and World Health Organisation is to advocate for the prevention of suicidal behaviour, provision of adequate treatment and follow-up care for people who attempted suicide, as well as responsible reporting of suicides in the media.

Check out this week’s interview of London based, Jane Jones’ chief executive of the Maytree Sanctuary for the Suicidal and see what advice she gives on how to support people who are considering the ultimate in self harm.


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