Web-COSI “Web COmmunities for Statistics for Social Innovation”.
Our Report on Better Practice Models for Social Entrepreneurship seeks to outline better practice models in the variety of areas related to social entrepreneurship (e.g. health, education, community cohesion) and map the key features of common examples (‘mapping exercise’).
From the perspective of four common approaches as to how social entrepreneurs use statistics – getting started, fostering their venture, measuring impact, and communicating the overall phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, the report examines social entrepreneur’s usage of data both as recipients of data – official and liquid – and their capacity, motivation and purpose of production of data. It seeks to better understand:
- Why social entrepreneurs use data;
- How do they use it;
- What is their perspective on the usage of data e.g. trust, level of importance in relation to their work;
- How these factors are likely to change overtime and the causation of such changes.
The report illustrates:
- Key learnings – why, how, SE engage with data + how will it change in the future
- Highlights and trends from survey, mapping
- Conclusions and recommendations
To download and read full report click here: http://www.webcosi.eu/images/2014/12/WeB_COSI_Deliverable2.5.pdf
Our Web-COSI project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 610422.