November 19, 2018
Leaders in youth volunteer opportunities. vinspired helps young people aged 14 - 25 years old make a difference. The volunteering charity was set up in 2006 and since then, has...
April 3, 2018
Replacing Charity with Opportunity. Dreams for Kids trains and mentors youth as social entrepreneurs, providing practical education, real world training and contemporary job skills as they create enterprises that provide...
March 13, 2018
Bridging the Digital Divide. In today’s digital world one would not be able to survive, nor get benefit of Government services, if one did not know, how to use computers....
January 7, 2018
Building Pakistan's First Fee-Free University to make education accessible for all aspiring students. Education is a fundamental human right that every child is entitled to. Yet Pakistan has the highest...
April 3, 2017
A global programme to empower young entrepreneurs to create a sustainable world. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 related targets address the most important social, economic, environmental, health...
July 13, 2015
- InternsGoPro is a network of youth-led organisations whose mission is to promote a new standard for internships that truly help students and graduates develop skills and get a job....
May 13, 2015
Developing Unemployed Youth into Proud and Competent Entrepreneurs. The Swisscontact Youth Entrepreneurship Project is dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and creating real opportunities for income generation among youth in selected townships...