Your vote is needed to select YBI’s People’s Choice entrepreneur for 2010
Last week Friday, Youth Business International (YBI) launched a global competition to discover who the general public thinks is the best young entrepreneur of 2010. We want you to tell us which of our shortlisted entrepreneurs deserves to win the People’s Choice award. To help you do so, you can watch a one-minute video on each young entrepreneur, showcasing their business and what their success means to them. The competition is being run in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Week, a global campaign which starts in earnest today, on Monday 15 November. The competition launches today and will close on 18 November.
Cast your vote now at:
Hailing from a wide range of countries, from Mexico to Hong Kong to India, these entrepreneurs embody the spirit of enterprise: demonstrating innovation, creating jobs, and helping to develop their local communities. So what are you waiting for!?