Building Community Resilience

Steps communities can do to help build resilience in time of a crises.

Recently we have been working with Ravensbourne University London’s Masters Design on social innovation where the focus was on exploring how communities such as the Woodberry Down Estate in north London can build greater community resilience. The current coronavirus crises has illustrated just how important it is for communities to build resilience to help offset the affects of shocks whether they be social, economic, health, technological, environmental or political.


Here are some steps communities can do to help build resilience in time of a crises;

1. Map your assets – what resources does your community possess in terms of skills, talents, spaces, wealth, etc. How can these be deployed to benefit everyone and especially those most in need?

2. Develope a culture of sharing. This may need a nudge to get it going such as a community meeting (appropriate distancing of course!) or Whatsapp group, etc.

3. Ask for help – everyone is affected by this crises; it is important that we all share how it is affecting us and in doing so, encourage others to be open about their own needs whether it be in paying their bills, obtain food, fill out a claim form, or whatever.

4. Support local independent businesses – the local shops or trades people are the lifeblood of most communities. Often they get overlooked by big brands such as supermarkets. Now more than ever is the time to utilise your local stores and suppliers – Use It or Lose It!

5. Contribute what you can – whether it be volunteering your time, skills or spare cash.

6. Learn something new – if lockdown has given you spare time, then by all means watch Netflix or Amazon Prime, but take the time to learn something new, develop your mind. There are so many great online courses out there and many museums, theatres, etc have made content freely available.

7. Write – we are going through a unique moment in history. Future generations will wonder what was it like to live through the Coronavirus 2020. Writing is a great way to reflect, create perspective, and contribute to future understanding.

What is i-genius doing?

1. Under our partnership brand Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces we have created a Coronavirus COVID 19 Resource Hub

2. We will be collating information from social entrepreneurs around the world on how they or their communities are responding to the crises and what lessons or good practices others can adopt.


Stay Safe And Don’t Let A Crises Go To Waste

Team i-genius


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