Where smell, taste, touch, hearing unite to bring you a completely new journey of the senses.
Think of modern society and images of shining cities and glowing screens come to mind. Every facet of daily life depends on sight. How would your other senses react to being in complete darkness? At Noir, Dining in the Dark, you will embark on a sensory journey into a different world and savor exquisite tastes and textures in complete darkness. This multi-sensory dining experience will stimulate your senses and open your mind.
In Ho Chi Minh City, it is estimated that there are about 4,000 visually impaired people, many of whom have become role models for their energy, passion and contributions to society. Despite their own efforts and the support of the government and community organizations, visually impaired people still face many challenges in learning, employment, community integration and creating a stable life. Part of this is social stigma, and part is the lack of caring for blind and visually impaired people in general.
Job training and creating stable jobs for blind people is limited in Ho Chi Minh City. A current survey revealed that in Vietnam, just only 6.3% of visually impaired and blind people are employed. However for many other blind and visually impaired, the “work” is still mainly unskilled labour and the average monthly income remains low.
At Noir. Dining in the Dark, they have opened the door to another career for the blind and visually impaired. Through our innovative training techniques, we improve these talented individuals’ self confidence and career trajectory. The company is proud to put them in a position where they assume responsibility for its guests and a transfer of trust is the norm.
Since we began this business, we have been inspired by visually impaired and blind people and we are dedicated to the blind community. A certain percentage of our profits will be donated to charities which work with local blind and visually impaired people, including organizations which provide operations to restore sight to visually impaired children.
To find out more about the dining room experience visit: https://www.noirdininginthedark.com
Image copyright to Noir. Dining in the Dark Saigon
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